Effective treatment of cellulite at home. Cellulite treatment. Vasses without weight

It does not matter whether you will get rid of cellulite at home or in the cabin - in any approach you need a systematicity. None, even the most expensive procedure, will not make your hips perfectly smooth at a time. Therefore, pour patience and start decisive actions.

Home procedures

Assign immediately: unlike expensive salon procedures from cellulite, home procedures work only in the complex. Each of them makes sense, however, if you make exclusively wrapping, the effect is unlikely to be noticeable. So in the fight against the "orange crust", as in love, all means are good.

Vacuum Bank really helps to get rid of cellulite, but this method is the most traumatic - after massage on the body there are bright bruises, which will be held only a few days later. Vacuum banks are sold in pharmacies, and it is very easy to use them - you apply any oil on the skin, we attach the jar to the body so that the skin "sucked" the skin is and go ahead! Many girls celebrate a positive result: bruises pass along with the "orange crust." However, there is a honey and its own spoon in this barrel of honey: Soon cellulite returns - perhaps even in a larger volume, and you have to start all over again.


Home wraps are no less effective than salon. The preparation for the "mask" can be bought in a specialized store, and you can cook yourself. For example, the most effective is the wrapping of blue clay. Take 200 grams of pharmacy blue clay, intetrates it with hot water to consistency thick sour cream. Add a few drops of orange or rosemary essential oils into clay, then apply to problem areas and wrapped with their food film for 40 minutes.

It is said that cosmetics against cellulite do not work? It is not true, as they work! Only apply them to correctly - intense massage movements to improve blood circulation. Therefore, buy any gel against cellulite (it really increases the elasticity of the skin) and every day after the shower you have paid 15 minutes to your hips. They need to be pretty "strain" to redness, because it is the stagnation of blood formed due to a sedentary lifestyle, it is considered the main reason for the appearance of an "orange peel".

Sea salt right occupies one of the first places in the fight against cellulite hates. The fact is that it takes extra liquid from the body and knows how to split fat fabrics, and iodine, minerals and calcium contained in seawater water help the skin to become more elastic. In a warm bath, add 500 grams of sea salt and lie 15-20 minutes in it. And to enhance the effect of the bath, you can also make a scrub of salt and olive oil. Such a pressure of your cellulite will definitely not stand it!

The most popular and affordable from home scrubs is a coffee, not only easy to perform, but also has pronounced anti-cellulite properties. "Fishka" is that caffeine is able to split fat, and the antioxidants contained in coffee increase the skin's ability to restore.

Salon treatments

Now let's talk about salon procedures, which, although they require financial costs, allow you to notice the visible result after the first sessions.

The procedure of cryoralipolysis is made on the ZeltiQ apparatus: a vacuum nozzle is applied to the problem zone, which is barely sucking the skin (it does not hurt!), And then for a few minutes processes it with a cold. After cryosium, fat cells simply decompose, and the skin becomes much smoother.

In order to see the result, you need to go through a course of 8-10 procedures and repeat it once a few months as needed. Alas, but no therapy is able to get rid of cellulite forever - here you need to connect proper nutrition and sports.

LPG massage works on the principle of vacuum bank, however, the procedure is much more gentle - no bruises will remain. A special nozzle with two rollers tightens the skin and smoothly "rolled" through a problem area. There is a myth that from cellulite you can get rid only through pain, but this is not the case - LPG massage, during which you can easily fall asleep, fights with an "orange crust" without unpleasant sensations.

This procedure is considered effective and suited to many girls, and the result is noticeable after the course traveled - 10-15 sessions are usually required.

The procedure with the intricate name "Cavitation" (the term came to cosmetology from physics) is also completely painless and at the same time effective. Fat sediments "accelerate" with sound vibration - this is done on the Impact Sorisa apparatus. A special nozzle that literally breaks the fat cells, the doctor is passed on the problem zones - the thighs, buttocks and the stomach. That the result is noticeable and long-term, you need to make 5-10 sessions depending on individual features.

You are trying to hide ugly holes on the legs, pop and stomach and pretend that this problem does not exist.

Looking in the mirror on cellulite, you are just upset.

If you stopped wearing shorts, skirts or bikini because of the "orange crust" and only think about how to find effective methods to get rid of it, then you are not alone.

Cellulite is one of the most common problems in women.

However, there is hope!

Most likely, if you read this article, you need an effective way to deal with cellulite on buttocks, abdomen and hips.

Good news - you can get rid of cellulite on your stomach and legs even at home.

However, there is no magic pill, cream or medicine that will do everything for you.

Instead, I will give you a lifestyle formula to effectively and quickly get rid of cellulite for several weeks.

Want to remove cellulite on the legs and pull up the ass? Then this article is for you.

First, let's learn the reason for the occurrence of cellulite:

Cellulite appears when fat cells increase and squeeze through the fibers of the connective tissue, which connect the skin with the muscles, creating wrinkles or spindles on your skin.

Only because cellulite consists of fat cells, it does not mean that you are fat. These are normal cells that went to the skin surface.

Women more often have to suffer cellulite for two reasons:

  1. The structure of the female connective tissue contains more space for fat cells than men's;
  2. Estrogen contributes to cellulite.

Why does cellulite occur?

Why do you ask, fat cells need to surface skin? Why can't they stay where there is?

Cellulite appears from collagen decay.

Collagen is what keeps your fat cells under the skin. When you lose collagen, fat cells begin to "pop up".

The main culprits of collagen decay are:

  1. Bad blood flow

When you have a bad blood circulation, collagen that forms your connecting fabric is separated, giving fat cells an excellent opportunity to create "orange crust".

Bad circulation can be called:

  • Genetics: difficult blood circulation can be hereditary;
  • Lack of physical activity: if you are not active enough, your blood flow can be slowed down, especially if your work is sitting. When you sit at the computer for several hours, the blood circulation at the bottom of the body decreases significantly, creating an ideal script for cellulite appearance on your buttocks and hips;
  • Poor food: a diet rich in trans-fats and sodium, slow down your blood circulation, increasing blood pressure and blocking your artery;
  • Obesity: Since cellulite consists of fat cells, the more fat you have on the body, the more noticeable the degree of manifestation of your cellulite.

  1. Estrogen

Estrogen works for the destruction of collagen in the female body. Its main role is to destroy collagen on the cervix during childbirth, so that the child can be on the light safely.

However, when your hormones are excessively destroyed by collagen, cellulite may appear.

As estrogen helps to appear cellulite:

  • Estrogen acts on your connective tissue.
  • Your connecting tissue produces collagenase (enzymes, destroying collagen).
  • Collagenase destroy collagen around fat cells.
  • Fat cells begin to "pushed" to the surface of your skin.
  • As soon as they reach the goals, fat cells increase.
  • When fat cells increase, they produce even more like this.
  • A estrogen additionally stimulates the formation of these new fat cells.

As you can see, estrogen not only destroys collagen, but also stimulates the formation of more adipocyte cells.

  1. Aging

Collagen is responsible for the density, smoothness and youth of your skin. However, collagen gradually decreases with age. This means that your skin will lose elasticity and becomes a place to appear fat cells.

  1. Toxins

Toxins are not a direct cause of cellulite, but they may worsen it.

Toxins that are under your skin in muscle fibers and fat cells can make your skin more uneven and dense.

External toxins often fall into the cells of adipocytes of your body. The more toxins in the body, the stronger the cellulite will be aggravated

Formula to get rid of cellulite forever

Now that we understand the reasons for the appearance of the "orange peel", it is time to approach the question: "How to get rid of cellulite on the hips and buttocks, as well as the tummy?"

To get rid of cellulite once and for all, we need to solve four problems that I spoke above:

  1. Bad blood flow;
  2. Excess estrogen;
  3. Aging;
  4. Toxins.

Fortunately for you, you can easily cope with these problems and remove cellulite at home.

  1. Fit right

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is a medicine for almost everything.

Dietary nutrition, rich in nutrients, will improve blood circulation, will help reduce the overall level of fat deposits, balances hormones, will save from unnecessary waste and protect your body from free radicals that cause early signs of aging.

In other words, it will attack all the problems caululite.

The most nutritional and useful products are leaf greens, cruciferous vegetables and fruits.

Top 10 useful products

The top ten consists of leafy green vegetables, but after them there are cruciferous vegetables and citrus.

I found that the ideal way to incorporate more greenery in your diet and meet your nutritional needs is to drink green cocktails.

You can add greens and vegetables into one simple cocktail, and it will still be tasty.

To defeat cellulite, focus on the use of these products:

Products stimulating collagen production

Collagen is a protein that is responsible for ensuring that your skin is dense and touched. To support or raise collagen levels, use products rich:

Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps produce collagen. The richest sources of vitamin E - sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, avocado, peanuts and turnips tops.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C also contributes to the production of collagen, but can also slow it down if you use not enough vitamin. Food products with high vitamin C - Guava, Papaya, sweet pepper, broccoli, Brussels, strawberries, pineapple, oranges and kiwi.


B-complex vitamins are also important to maintain collagen levels. The best sources of group vitamins in - leaf greens, fish, nuts, beans, broccoli and peas.


Of course, you need to consume proteins to maintain the level of collagen. Products rich in protein - Swan, eggs, meat broth, tuna, soybeans, salmon, beans, nut, tofu, sardines and lentils.

Products stimulating blood circulation

Products rich in diet nitrates can improve your blood pressure and circulation, increasing the content of nitrogen oxide (NO) in your blood circulation system - molecules that is responsible for expanding blood vessels and improve blood flow.

In other words, if you want to improve blood circulation, you need more nitrogen oxide!

Products rich in dietary nitrates are kinza, arugula, dandelions, celery and spinach.

Products balancing hormone levels

Since the excessive estrogen activity is one of the main culprits of cellulite, you need to eat in such a way as to balance your hormones. And then getting rid of cellulite and slender body not far off.

Your intestine is the first place to pay attention to when checking the endocrine system. And if something is wrong, in no case do not engage in independent treatment, but seek help to the doctor.

The best way to balance hormones is a healthy nutrition. Ideally need your plate to look like this:

  • One portion of protein;
  • One portion of healthy fats;
  • Many fresh vegetables.
  • Protein: Salmon, tuna, nut, lentils, beans and swan;
  • Healthy fats: coconut oil, herbal oil, avocado and eggs;
  • Fresh vegetables: You can choose any vegetables that you have in the refrigerator. Sheet greens, onion, sweet pepper, potatoes, beets, etc.
  1. Fat burning exercises

Now, when we finished with a diet, let's understand the exercises to combat cellulite.

Exercises increase blood flow, burn fat, improve the tone of the skin and even balance the level of hormones.


Cardio is the best way to get rid of cellulite on the body, as well as lose weight and improve blood flow.

However, do not only make Cardio. This is a mistake that many women make, when they are just starting to train.

Complete its power training or other exercises to improve their results.

You can do Cardio in different ways. Select View Piz. Activity that you like best and start trying:

  • bicycling;
  • treadmill;
  • HIIT (highly intensive interval training);
  • swimming;
  • rope;
  • aerobics;
  • kickboxing.

Exercises against cellulite on hips and buttocks

These exercises will be directed to the skin suspender and the reduction of cellulite on the legs and buttocks. It is also an excellent prevention against the "tangerine crust." But it is important to comply with the correct execution technique.

Most effective exercises:

  • Squats (all options);
  • Drops;
  • Berp;
  • Traction;
  • Exercises with dumbbells.


Yoga is less intensive exercises that will focus on improving blood circulation. Deep breaths and asians will help the detoxification system and improve your blood circulation system.

Remember that cellulite can worsen because of poor blood circulation and toxins? Yoga helps you overcome both!

  1. Skin care

You need the most efficient folk recipes and skin care procedures to get rid of any cellulite stage forever:

Finally, to add diet and exercises, you can perform skin care procedures that will attack your cellulite outside. For example:

Massage dry brush

Cleaning your skin once a day with a dry brush will accelerate the bloodstream, depart of dead skin cells, eliminate toxins, destroy fat deposits, improve the skin.

What you need:

- Long, natural bristing brush.


When your skin is dry, preferably before taking the soul, massage the skin with soft circular motions towards the heart. Since you want to get rid of cellulite, focus on problem areas. When you finish, your skin should look silky.

Cellulite folk remedies

Coffee wrap

Coffee activates and cleans the skin. It will also increase blood circulation and pull the skin.

Required ingredients:

  • ¼ cups of coffee grounds (you can use the residues from the coffee maker);
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Food film.

Mode of application:

  • Mix coffee and olive oil in a small bowl;
  • In the shower, apply a mixture into cellulite sections with circular motions and massaging for one minute;
  • As soon as you finish the exfoliation, wrap the cellulite areas of the food film and leave for 10 minutes;
  • After 10 minutes, everything is thoroughly smoothed.

Detox bath

Since toxins can aggravate cellulite, detox baths can be useful.

They purify your body from harmful toxins and impurities.

Required ingredients:

  • 1/3 cups of bitter salts;
  • 1/3 cups of sea salt;
  • 2 ½ tsp ginger powder;
  • 1 cup of apple vinegar;
  • 1/3 cups of soda;
  • Any essential oil to choose from (optional).

Mode of application:

  • Mix all ingredients in a bath filled with warm water;
  • Take a bath minimum 40 minutes;
  • Welcome carefully and apply moisturizing cream.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to get rid of cellulite, you can defeat it by optimizing your diet, exercises and skin care procedures.

Video - Best Cellulite Tools

The combination of these utility will eliminate cellulite forever and will return to you elastic and silky skin you deserve.

The choice of natural home remedies is the best way to get rid of cellulite just because you do not have to worry about side effects. In addition, these folk treatments are effective, and the result lasts long.

Cellulite - decay and the bugness of some parts of the body. This is a completely natural manifestation for any woman. Agree, it is strange to see a lady of thirty years old with an absolutely smooth ass, like a ten-year-old girl. Small manifestations of cellulite do not spoil the body of a woman, and rather, even on the contrary, they make it an appetizing, feminine. But if cellulite continues to develop, the body loses in aesthetics. It is one thing - subcutaneous snapshots on the elastic buttocks and hips, and completely different - a decay, starting to squeeze the skin on soft loose muscles and a bug meter.

Fully get rid of cellulite Almost unrealistic, but the main goal of anti-cellulite measures is not elimination of cellulite, but a decrease in its manifestations and an increase in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. How to make problem places more even, taut and elastic? Work on yourself! Moreover, working is systematically, and not from the case. Some one measure will not be enough - you need an integrated approach. And then you will succeed!


How to get rid of cellulite? Act from the inside

By going all in a row, getting little vitamins and minerals, scoring the vessels cholesterol, and the lungs - Nicotine, never win in the fight against cellulite. To get rid of cellulite, you need to start the body in order, otherwise no creams, massages and wraps will not bring a noticeable and strong result.


To get rid of cellulite, you need to reconsider your diet. Proper nutrition - It is not only useful, but also nice. Reduce the consumption of flour, oily, sweet. Refuse chips, crackers, chocolate bars, sodes, beer. Do not abuse the consumption of pasta and potatoes.

In general, there is everything, but in moderation. Some products use only in small quantities and not often - let the favorite, but harmful food will become a kind of reward for abstinence. Just give out this award needed no more than once a week. If, for example, you have been refused the sugar and sweets all week, you can pamper yourself with a chocolate chocolate or a small portion of Potato Fries. Do not drive yourself into a strict frame to get rid of cellulite - just learn to control your appetites, purchase the ability at any time to refuse delicious, but harmful food.

What you need to eat. Include in the diet more fresh vegetables, fruits, natural juices, nuts, seeds, legumes. Be sure to have coarse bread. Milk - low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt and cottage cheese. Eat fish, poultry meat, game, but not with potatoes, pasta and croups, but with vegetables. And the same pasta and cereals use with vegetables and low-fat sauces. Milk cereals in small quantities will not cause harm either, just do not need to digest the cereals - let them be solid enough so that the porridge needs to chew.

Buy bran and add them to cereals, yogurts, salads. Bran work as an enshik in the intestine, cleaning it all extra. Less toxins - less cellulite.

Cellulite and salt. Separately, I want to say about the use of salt. Many women mistakenly believe: Say, you need to completely abandon the salt to get rid of cellulite. Both extreme measures - excessive use of salt and a complete refusal of it - contribute to the emergence and development of cellulite. If you get a lot of salt, edema will occur - the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular substance. Fat begins to burn worse, and the swelling themselves spoil the skin view on problem places. Not to mention, how harmful swelling for the work of important internal organs.

With a lack of salt, no less dangerous process occurs - the liquid is accumulated inside the cell. And in that, in another case, the fat cell will increase in volumes, which will deteriorate microcirculation, and this is already a vicious circle: the worse the microcirculation is the greater the fat cell, which is more - the worse the microcirculation ...

Vitamin Mineral Complexes

To get rid of cellulite, you need to consume sufficient quantities vitamins A, E, with. Pat. aevit courses. Synthetic vitamin C We are constantly needed if you smoke. Periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes, igniteing the lack of necessary substances in the body. It is very desirable to consult a doctor before choosing a vitamin and mineral complex. To strengthen the vessels, take askorutin.


Alcoholic beverages and cellulite.A glass of light white or red wine will increase blood circulation, which, of course, is very useful in combating cellulite. But only a glass, and only good wine. From beer should refuse once and forever.

With frequent use of alcohol in not the smallest quantities, the liver ceases to perform their functions in full. As a result, the disposal of fats deteriorates, and they begin to accumulate in adipose tissue. If you continue to regularly drink alcohol, the question " how to get rid of cellulite?"Lost with you for life.

Other drinks.
To get rid of cellulite , Drink as much water as possible, but not through force. Just do not limit yourself - how much you want, so much and drink. Optimally drinking up to 2 liters of water per day. Better, if it is a non-carbonated dining mineral water. In addition, a part of the fluid is obtained with natural juices - fruit, berry and vegetable, as well as with tea and occasionally - with bitter coffee. Sugar in tea and coffee, of course, can be added, but in small quantities. And if possible, it is better at all. If you want sweet drinks, drink tea with honey.

Smoking leads to a spasm of vessels and deterioration of microcirculation. Fabrics lack oxygen. And all this leads to deterioration of metabolism and laying the fats in problem places. And their, problem areas, is becoming more and more. It is better to quit smoking times and forever. But if you are unable to make this feat, try to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, more often we are in the fresh air and be sure to take vitamin C constantly.

Cellulite may appear in a very young, and at high age, and in slim, and those who suffer from excess weight. Perhaps it can be called one of the main aesthetic problems. And any woman who tried to fight him will confirm - get rid of cellulite very difficult. What are modern methods of cellulite treatment exist?

Cellulite: Does he need treatment?

Ginoid lipodystrophy, or cellulite, is the same annoying "orange peel", which appears most often on the hips and buttocks. Sometimes with cellulite on the skin there are tubercles and irregularities, it looks loose, even if you are actively engaged in sports. Cellulite suffer mostly women - only about 5-10% of men are subject to this attack.

Cellulite occurs when the subcutaneous fat layer begins to "write" between the fibers of the connective tissue. There are no subcutaneous fat, even very slender people, without it, survival is simply impossible. And since there is a fat stupor (albeit the minimum), it means that cellulite is possible. That is why it is often possible to see the orange peel even on the hips of girls who wear the size of XS.

After 30, the state usually worsens, because the dermis becomes weaker and gradually loses elasticity. In some cellulite, it is manifested at this age, even if there was no hint earlier on it.

Fortunately, cellulite is not dangerous and does not threaten health. However, he can seriously affect self-esteem. Many women spend years of effort and huge amounts of money for attempts to cope with cellulite, some are even ready to contact surgeons.

In the treatment of cellulite liposuction - the surgical oil suction is ineffective. On the contrary, after the operation of irregularities can be more noticeable.

Principles of Cellulite treatment

As soon as I noticate the first manifestations of cellulite, we most often go to the cosmetic store for a new miracle cream, which promises slightness, smooth skin and beauty after 2-3-4 weeks. Such promotional promises should be perceived with the fraction of skepticism. Skin waterproof, and any cream can only moisten its top layer. The cream can really make the skin a little more moisturized and smooth, reflective particles make it visually smaller, but it is impossible to get rid of cellulite with only the cream.

An integrated approach is needed affecting all parties to life. It is very important to establish metabolism, so the treatment of cellulite begins with a diet (we are talking about proper nutrition, and not about starvation in the name of beauty that can only aggravate the situation), to establish a routine of the day (nothing affects the metabolism is so bad as inherent) and Getting rid of bad habits. This is the base on which any treatment is built.

Local treatment implies funds for lymphatic drainage, which will strengthen the outflow of lymphs and remove swelling. It is also necessary to improve blood flow in the tissues and increase the elasticity of the skin. It will be necessary to normalize the process of lipolysis - fat splitting. Some therapeutic procedures are aimed at the "breaking" of the fat capsules and the "disintegration" of the connective tissue through which they repeat - such procedures provide a truly magical effect.

Moisturizing the skin is the last of the measures, and in this sense, anti-cellulite creams can really help.

Effective Cellulite Treatment Methods

There are many methods for the treatment of cellulite, among which:

Wraps. The skin is applied to the skin that improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, the food film is superimposed on top, the entire procedure continues for about an hour. Wraps can be based on mineral mud and salts, extracts from algae, other plant products.

Mesotherapy. Injecting injecting cocktails from active substances - the procedure is not particularly pleasant, but effective. Cocktails are selected individually - some accelerate metabolism at the cellular level, others contribute to the regeneration of tissues, the third destroy the accumulations of fat cells.

Massage. Manual or hardware massage effectively removes edema, improves blood circulation, destroys fat capsules and makes skin elastic.

Ozone therapy. Ozone accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues and stimulates cellular metabolism.

LPG massage. A very popular procedure, including the effects of vacuum, self-recruiting rollers and vibromassage. Bars fat capsules, pulls the skin, enhances the limf current, leads to the muscle tone and removes swelling.

Shock-wave therapy. This is one of the most effective methods of treating cellulite. The method is based on the emission of sound waves with a frequency of 16 to 25 hertz on the affected area. The human ear this sound does not perceive, but the waves, passing through the skin and tissue, restore their healthy structure, have a powerful lymphatic drainage effect and remove inflammation. The course usually includes 6-12 procedures. You can estimate the effect already after the second procedure.

Electrostimulation. The exposure to the current strengthens muscle fibers and contributes to the resorption of bodybuds.

Carboxyterepia. So called carbon dioxide treatment. The increase in carbon dioxide causes an improvement in blood circulation.

Electrolypolysis. This is an impact of a weak current that accelerates the fi splitting process.

Means for internal use. Various biologically active additives are ineffective by themselves, but maintaining a comprehensive treatment. As a rule, such dietary supplements include tonicity, vitamin complexes with substances involved in fat exchange and vessels, sorbents, neutralizing toxins, digestive stimulants and anti-essay components.

RF Lifting. This procedure is also called radio lifting or thermal. This method involves heating tissues due to complex molecular processes. After the procedure, lipolysis is improved, the collagen skin frame is significantly strengthened, the blood circulation is improved, swelling goes.

Modern cosmetology and aesthetic medicine have a huge arsenal of methods for combating such an unpleasant phenomenon, like cellulite, - ranging from creams and wraps and ending with WTW and plastic surgery. The main thing is to choose the right set of procedures and not make hasty decisions, especially if you tend to such radical measures like plastic.

Cellulite is one of the main problems of a modern woman in Moscow. This contributes to the modern fashion for open clothing, and the desire to be sexy, and the fact that, thanks to traveling, our stay on the beach is not limited to short summer months. In such a style of modern life, non-psychic pebbishness on the hips does not fit at all, and therefore cellulite treatment has to pay the most serious attention.

What ways to treat cellulite offers aesthetic medicine today?

All three branches of beauty science have their own anti-cellulite means. Plastic medicine is suitable for getting rid of cellulite radically, creating the opportunity to get rid of it along with the subcutaneous layer of fat during operating liposuction. With all the difficulties and probable risks of surgery, such a method has one indisputable advantage: "Orange peel" will never return more than ever, since, fat cells, being uniform, do not appear again.

Aesthetic cosmetology helps to cope with cellulite through special programs:

  • anti-cellulite algae wraps
  • methods of "Tiening"
  • different types of mesotherapy or ultrasound therapy.

Wide selection of treatment techniques

However, the most wide selection of techniques offers hardware cosmetology. Cellulite treatment is an indication for the use of such popular innovative technology as a thermal that can effectively smooth out and rejuvenate the skin of the body. A good result in the treatment of cellulite shows the cryoralift - the cold effect on the skin and all subcutaneous layers, intensively stimulating the metabolic processes in them and breaking cellulite nodes. One of the preferred techniques in the treatment of cellulite is BODYSCULPTOR. This French technology is specifically created and patented to simulate a flawless body contour. In addition to the effect of weight loss, it significantly reduces the manifestation of cellulite. A truly magnificent range of cellulite treatment procedures offers a Slim Up Top Center Correction Correction System. You can choose between the complex exposure to the Slim Up module, the pressure therapy and the lymphatic design of the SLIM UP DRAIN apparatus and the detoxification capsule Slim Up Steam, or the combination of these techniques. The SLIM UP Top Center system gives the maximum effect when combating cellulite, as it provides an individual approach to the choice of funds.


The specialists of the clinic helped the heroine of the transfer "I lose weight!" NTV channel Anne nostril to improve skin tone, reduce cellulite phenomena and thighs.

See also:

Questions and answers

Question from 12/21/2018 / Janina

Good day! For a long time, when your clinic was still in the center, on the table, if I'm not mistaken, I made you several procedures, including dermabrasium sandblasting apparatus and cellulolyraposis it seems so called now I have not find such services. Tell me you no longer do such dermabrasion?

Hello, Janina!

To date, more modern and efficient techniques for skin grinding are applied in the clinic: laser thermolysis, aquadlamagenesis. To correct local fatty deposits and manifestations of cellulite, the following procedures are possible: non-operational liposuction, intralipotherapy, Splitfat-System, Slim Up. Select the procedure most effective for you, perhaps on personal consultation of a specialist in the clinic. All consultations in the clinic are free.

Yours faithfully,
Natalia Imaeva

Question from 02.26.2018 / Olga

I want not only to remove fat, but also pull the muscles on the stomach, as well as remove the "orange crust". Is there a procedure that will do it at the same time as not to spend time and money on a bunch of different manipulations?

Hello Olga!

It is possible to conduct a course of procedures for Slim Up or Bodyline - these procedures help not only get rid of fat deposits in problem areas, but also train muscles, pull up the skin, making less noticeable cellulite manifestations.

Yours faithfully,
Natalia Imaeva

Question from 02/18/2018 / Marina

Good day! Please inform your point of view regarding the effectiveness of the use of shock-wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite. Indeed, 5 sessions for 7 minutes and the problem will be solved (as some advertising booklets write)

Hello, Marina!

This technique is used in the treatment of cellulite, but the number of procedures, their duration and intensity of exposure depends on the stage of the disease.

Yours faithfully,
Natalia Imaeva

Question on 06/19/2017 / Maria

Good day! Tell me, the device Bodiskulptor struggles with cellulite? Or is it intended only for weight loss? What device (or procedure) is most effectively fighting with EII problems at the same time? Maybe wrapping from algae?


The procedures on the BODYSCULPTOR apparatus not only reduce the weight of the patient, but also treat cellulite, ensuring the circulation of lymph, splitting and removal of lipids. This ensures normal nutrition of the dermis cells and helps in combating cellulite, also a good anti-cellulite effect has a SlimUp procedure that improves muscle tone and leveling the skin surface. The appointment of the procedure is most effective in your case, it is possible only to personal consultation of a specialist.

Yours faithfully,
Natalia Imaeva

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